When black Americans used the Second Amendment to fight the Ku Klux Klan
Martin Luther King, Jr. preached nonviolence. Robert F. Williams didn’t have that option.As the head of the North Carolina NAACP during the civil rights era, World War II veteran Williams stockpiled weapons and trained his black neighbors to fight the Ku Klux Klan. For Williams, it was literally do or die. If government is supposed protect citizens and their liberties, what do you do when government either refuses or passively encourages violence through inaction?
Hip-hip journalist Davey D explains, “At the time, the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and local law enforcement refused to provide protection to the black community while supporting and enabling perpetrators of violence in (Williams) hometown of Monroe, North Carolina.”
In those days, local government or law enforcement were often indistinguishable to the black community from the KKK. Just how many men hiding beneath those white sheets were also on the county council or in the police department?