What Would Django Do? Arms and “The Man”

The National Rifle Association should try to win over black support by officially condemning the 1967 Mulford Act, the shameful law of the California Assembly banning the public display of loaded firearms. The campaign “What Would Django Do?” would also neatly disarm the bogus charge of racism, because the Mulford Act was a successful attempt to disarm black America’s last best hope for redemption, and predictably preceded the decimation of that hope by the notorious cross-dressing racist, J. Edgar Hoover. In 1997, I organized a commemoration of the thirtieth anniversary of a protest against the Mulford Act.
The disarmament of black America led to its spiral of internecine violence, not the arms. NAACP officials who blame gun makers for the 8,000 lives lost every year should take the plank out of their own eye and listen to Bill Cosby’s “pound cake” speech. Almost everywhere African-Americans predominate is rife with drugs. As Johnny, a field marshal for the group that protested the Mulford Act, said at my Berkeley event: In the 1960’s, we and the drug dealers had an understanding. They didn’t deal drugs in our community, and we didn’t shoot them.
Recently, Larry Ward, convenor of the Gun Appreciation Day rally in Washington, D.C., said on CNN that if African-Americans had had guns, slavery might not have happened. He’s not the only one. John Brown agrees with Ward. So does the abolitionist Frederick Douglass, who cried, “Men of Color, To Arms!”