Star Parker: Blacks Who Back Gun Control Need to Study History of Slavery and Jim Crow
CNSNews.com asked Parker, who is the founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE): “There are a lot of African Americans and people of color in Congress who are backing Obama’s plan for gun control. What would you say to them because today [at this event] it was revealed that there is a direct effect on the African American community with this gun control?”Parker said: “Well, I'd say they need to revisit their history – black history, black slave history, black Jim Crow history -- and they should visit the histories of other tyrant nations where we had people like Hitler and Stalin and Mao. Every single time there is someone who wants to take away all other rights of the people, the first right they take away is your right to bear arms.”
“I believe that the the Congressional Black community, or the Congressional Black Caucus is absolutely out of step with black America today on this issue,” Parker said.
Speakers at the event in Washington, D.C., defended the Second Amendment and its guarantee that American citizens have the right to own and bear firearms and that the government should not infringe on that right, including Ken Blackwell, chairman of the board of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) and a board member of the National Rifle Association.