Second Amendment Foundation Threatens to Sue City Over Gun Confiscation
The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) is putting Guntersville, AL on notice, telling officials to drop the plan to disarm to citizens in the event of a natural disaster or other emergencies or face a lawsuit.Guntersville Mayor Leigh Dollar has put forth such a proposal, saying "It's only to protect people." Her proposal is to be considered by the Guntersville City Council on March 4.
Accordinng to SAF Executive Vice President Alan Gottlieb, "The city of Guntersville has no legal authority to adopt or enforce such an ordinance." He claimed SAF doesn't plan to sit by idly and watch it happen:
We recall what happened after Hurricane Katrina. New Orleans police forcefully disarmed peaceful, law-abiding citizens for no good reason until we stepped in with a federal lawsuit and stopped it. Local public officials occasionally need to be reminded that they were elected to serve the public, not rule over constituents or nullify their constitutional rights. What happened in New Orleans can never be allowed to happen again on American soil.