SAF launches new effort to defend equality of gun ownership
Second Amendment Foundation
12500 NE Tenth Place · Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 454-7012 · FAX (425) 451-3959 · www.saf.org
For Immediate Release:
Today The Second Amendment Foundation launched a new project aimed at promoting and protecting equality in the exercise of the individual fundamental right to keep and bear arms, with a video message for television and the internet, and a new website EqualGunRights.com with a petition campaign.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
President Barack Obama and his cronies have founded Organizing for Action (OFA), which is running a deplorable national media campaign aimed at lobbying Congress for additional restrictions on firearms, the primary means of self-defense for millions of law-abiding Americans. The SAF EqualGunRights.com campaign will counter that effort.
It doesn't matter where you live, whether in the city, suburbs or a rural area, all law abiding citizens should be able to defend themselves and their families.
The video spot, website and campaign, produced in collaboration with Political Media, highlights the disproportionate impact of gun control laws on African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities, and how it leaves large groups unable to defend themselves, their families, or their businesses. The video shows citizens from different parts of the country commenting on their local gun laws, providing a vivid contrast between people who live in regions with laws that enable citizens to exercise their rights, and those who reside in areas with restrictive gun laws which typically have larger minority populations, including Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York City.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
You won't see President Obama or his anti-gun cohorts admitting it, but the simple fact is that gun control has historically disarmed far more African Americans than any other demographic. And, as you can see in our video spot, African-Americans and other minorities are still the primary victims of gun control laws in America.
It is unconscionable that in 2013, so-called progressives are quietly permitting laws to stand that disproportionately diminish the rights of minorities. The late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was blocked by segregationists when he tried to get his concealed carry permit, because they knew equal strength to defend oneself leads to societal equality. Sadly, gun control advocates today are de facto fighting for that same inequality.
I hope that people across this country will join us at EqualGunRights.com and demand an end to this discrimination. It doesn't matter where you live, or what kind of neighbors you have - all law abiding citizens should be able to arm and defend themselves.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.
For more information about SAF go to www.SAF.org
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Alan M. Gottlieb
Second Amendment Foundation
P.S. Remember, the anti-gunners are raising tens of thousands of dollars to steal this victory from us -- we need your support now to help stop them dead in their tracks!
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
To send a check, please mail to:
Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
James Madison Building
Dept Code
12500 NE 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005
Second Amendment Foundation
12500 NE Tenth Place · Bellevue, WA 98005
(425) 454-7012 · FAX (425) 451-3959 · www.saf.org
For Immediate Release:
Today The Second Amendment Foundation launched a new project aimed at promoting and protecting equality in the exercise of the individual fundamental right to keep and bear arms, with a video message for television and the internet, and a new website EqualGunRights.com with a petition campaign.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
President Barack Obama and his cronies have founded Organizing for Action (OFA), which is running a deplorable national media campaign aimed at lobbying Congress for additional restrictions on firearms, the primary means of self-defense for millions of law-abiding Americans. The SAF EqualGunRights.com campaign will counter that effort.
It doesn't matter where you live, whether in the city, suburbs or a rural area, all law abiding citizens should be able to defend themselves and their families.
The video spot, website and campaign, produced in collaboration with Political Media, highlights the disproportionate impact of gun control laws on African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities, and how it leaves large groups unable to defend themselves, their families, or their businesses. The video shows citizens from different parts of the country commenting on their local gun laws, providing a vivid contrast between people who live in regions with laws that enable citizens to exercise their rights, and those who reside in areas with restrictive gun laws which typically have larger minority populations, including Chicago, Washington D.C. and New York City.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
You won't see President Obama or his anti-gun cohorts admitting it, but the simple fact is that gun control has historically disarmed far more African Americans than any other demographic. And, as you can see in our video spot, African-Americans and other minorities are still the primary victims of gun control laws in America.
It is unconscionable that in 2013, so-called progressives are quietly permitting laws to stand that disproportionately diminish the rights of minorities. The late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was blocked by segregationists when he tried to get his concealed carry permit, because they knew equal strength to defend oneself leads to societal equality. Sadly, gun control advocates today are de facto fighting for that same inequality.
I hope that people across this country will join us at EqualGunRights.com and demand an end to this discrimination. It doesn't matter where you live, or what kind of neighbors you have - all law abiding citizens should be able to arm and defend themselves.
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
Together, we can preserve the Constitutional rights our Founding Fathers intended our people to have forever.
For more information about SAF go to www.SAF.org
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Alan M. Gottlieb
Second Amendment Foundation
P.S. Remember, the anti-gunners are raising tens of thousands of dollars to steal this victory from us -- we need your support now to help stop them dead in their tracks!
SELECT HERE To Watch The Equal Gun Rights Video And Sign Our Equal Gun Rights Petition!
To send a check, please mail to:
Second Amendment Foundation (SAF)
James Madison Building
Dept Code
12500 NE 10th Place
Bellevue, WA 98005