Chris Rock: Daddy Obama says we can't have guns and we have to listen to him

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 | Caitlin McDevitt | Politico
President Barack Obama knows best when it comes to gun control, according to comedian Chris Rock.

“The president and the first lady are kind of like the mom and the dad of the country,” Rock said at a press conference on gun laws in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. “And when your dad says something, you listen. And when you don’t, it usually bites you in the ass later on.”

Rock, who's addressed the subject in his comedy before, urged support for Obama’s gun control agenda at the event sponsored by Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Demand a Plan to End Gun Violence.

“I’m not going to say much,” Rock told the crowd, noting that other speakers – including an Aurora shooting victim and a pediatric surgeon – were more deserving of the mic.


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